Sunday, November 22, 2015

For Gram

Today I made a sweet potato casserole, and I thought of you.

Catholics believe I can talk to you, and you will hear. And maybe even put in a good word for me with our Father in heaven. I wonder if you can see me.

Do you remember making sweet potato casseroles every Thanksgiving? I remember.

I kind of hope you can't see me. I believe heaven is a happy place, and I can only imagine you would cry if you could see the world you left behind.

Today we are on the brink of World War III. Immigrants fleeing terrorism have no place to go. Terrorists go everywhere. Politicians argue policy while people starve and die. Religious persecution runs rampant. Fear is the word of the day.

At the expense of humanity we label, blame, and vilify. "All white people are rich and ignorant". "All black people are angry and violent". We see in two colors, and we lump each other into blanket categories for our own comfort.

Compassion is viewed as stupidity, faith as irrationality.

And yet, I believe. I believe in a better world, a world where we view each other as brothers and sisters. A world where orphans are adopted and widows are loved. A world where bombs and drones are no longer the answer.

I hope you cannot see this world. But, I confess, a small part of me hopes you can see the very first sweet potato casserole I ever made. I think you'd be proud of me.

If you can hear me, say hello to Grandpa for me. And happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Girl Named General.

If I ever have a daughter, I will name her General.


Every time she enters a room and is greeted by her name, she receives a verbal salute.

She will know that she is worthy of respect.




She can lead.

She can listen.

And most importantly, she will always fight for what is right.


Names are powerful, and so are little girls.

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